The health care and medical world makes up a large portion of what I photograph throughout the year. I’ve been shooting health care photos for over a decade now and it’s still exciting to see the inner workings of hospitals and medical schools. The whole health care industry sometimes gets a bad rap from the whole insurance debacle that our country has created. On the front line the doctors, nurses, surgeons, and myriad support staff are probably the most passionate group of people I’ve ever encountered (except maybe us photographers :). The science and techniques are new and ground-breaking, and the push for constant improvement is truly impressive. Here are a few recent health care photos. Enjoy!
If you’re in need of new photography in the health care industry or any other, contact me here.

Product shoot for AwarePoint’s wifi tags which track people and equipment throughout a hospital.

Photos of medical students.

Medical students interacting with patients.

Product photos of medical devices.

Documentary photography of Ebola preparations at hospitals in the US.

Documentary photography of Ebola preparations at hospitals in the US.

Health Care Headshots

Nurses are what make the health care world go ’round.

Large photo shoot for AwarePoint in California.

Action photos for AwarePoint.