I’ll keep the majority of the orchid photos to one blog. We encountered a huge number of orchids, both in the wild and at the Monteverde Orchid Garden in Santa Elena, Costa Rica. The Orchid Garden was pretty amazing. Upon entering you are handed a magnifying glass and required to take a guide. You find out quickly that without someone to point out all the flowers you would miss most of them. Orchids are truly one of the more amazing species in the world and a long time interest of mine. Costa Rican orchids are mostly small, really really small, including the smallest orchid in the world. The pin head sized flower made the magnifying glass a must.

Smallest orchid in the world.Approx 2mm across.

Miriam inspecting, platystele jungermannioides,the smallest orchid in the world.Approx 2mm across.

Smallest orchid in the world, platystele jungermannioides.

Smallest orchid in the world, platystele jungermannioides. Approx 2mm across.